Benefits to Offer Your Staff

by | Jul 8, 2014 | Transportation

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Not all companies provide their employees with enough benefits to keep them engaged and motivated. Here are a few ideas you can add to the mix to help encourage recruitments and to hold onto the good employees you have now:

Commuter Benefits program
Not everyone can afford a car and even bus fare can begin to add up. You can offer a commuter benefits program to staff as an added incentive to be on time and to travel in a more stress free manner. You will reap the rewards of less tardiness as well as some good tax write offs.

Not all businesses can provide discounts to staff. However, if you carry a product, run a shop or restaurant or provide a service that is not B2B you really should be giving staff some sort of discount. It works in two ways: First it says thanks and second it helps promote your business to have satisfied customers who learn to love what you sell.

An Additional Day Off
Offering a few more days off to vacation time is actually not a great expense to you and also offers a bit of a thank you to your team. Letting people know when you are hiring that you give them a day or two off each year as a mental health day (or whatever you want to call it) let’s them know you understand the importance of down time, an aspect of business that is becoming very rare.

Subsidized Day Care
This can be more costly, but a smaller business can consider opening a small daycare on site to see the sudden decrease in lateness as well as absenteeism due to sick children. Moms and dads alike will be very appreciative of being able to cross one more worry off their list. Having a convenience such as an on site day care where parents can bring their child to work and know they will be cared for is a huge plus. It is also one less expense to add to their financial burdens.

Thinking of small ways to encourage staff to stay on as well as a bonus to recruit new staff into the business will help you keep a team of loyal, trustworthy employees.

If you are interested in offering a commuter benefits program to your employees Dart is happy to provide the information you need to get started. Visit or call 214-979-1111.


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